Roxanne's Therapeutic Massage

A gentle release naturally

Stay Informed

Dear clients,

I want you to be proactive when it comes to your healthcare.  You have the right to refuse any massage if it  becomes uncomfortable for you.  Remember----YOU are in charge of your massage.  Do not let someone tell you that you must "go through it" to achieve results.  If you hurt--say so, if you feel violated--say so!  You are the important person here.





About ABMP

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals (ABMP) is a professional membership association founded in 1987 to provide massage, bodywork, and somatic therapies practitioners with professional services, information, and public and regulatory advocacy. ABMP is devoted to promoting ethical practices, protecting the rights of practitioners, and educating the public regarding the benefits of massage and bodywork. Its current membership totals more than 73,000. Members must meet strict educational requirements and adhere to a published code of ethics.

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
© Copyright 2024 Roxanne's Therapeutic Massage. All rights reserved.